The BullishDaily is a provider of paid-for research on publicly traded emerging growth companies. We are not a licensed broker-dealer and do not publish investment advice and remind readers that investing, especially in venture stage stocks, involves considerable risk. Although these stocks can offer upside, they can also lose 100% of their value. The BullishDaily encourages all readers to carefully review the SEC filings of any issuers we cover and consult with an investment professional before making any investment decisions. The BullishDaily is a for-profit business and is typically compensated for coverage of issuers we cover as well as other advisory work we perform. Although we always strive to be objective and present the facts, you should assume we are biased because of the financial relationship we have with companies we write about. The owners of the BullishDaily are not compensated for coverage of NeuroOne, but do have other business relationships with NeuroOne. We have a beneficial long position in the shares of NMTC either through stock ownership, options, or other derivatives
This content is operated and edited by the BullishDaily. Any wording found in this disclaimer referencing to “I” or “we” or “our” or “BullishDaily” refers to the BullishDaily. This webpage/newsletter is a paid advertisement, not a recommendation nor an offer to buy or sell securities. Our business model is to be financially compensated to market and promote public companies. By reading our newsletter and our website you agree to the terms of our disclaimer, which are subject to change at any time. We are not registered or licensed in any jurisdiction whatsoever to provide investing advice or anything of an advisory or consultancy nature and are therefore unqualified to give investment recommendations. Always do your own research and consult with a licensed investment professional before investing. This communication is never to be used as the basis for making investment decisions and is for INFORMATIONAL purposes only. At most, this communication should serve only as a starting point to do your own research and consult with a licensed professional regarding the companies profiled and discussed. Conduct your own research. Companies with low price per share are speculative and carry a high degree of risk, so only invest what you can afford to lose. By using our service you agree not to hold our site, its editor’s, owners, AFFILIATES or staff liable for any damages, financial or otherwise, that may occur due to any action you may take based on the information contained within our newsletters or on our website.
We do not advise any reader take any specific action. Losses can be larger than expected if the company experiences any problems with liquidity or wide spreads. Our website and newsletter are for INFORMATION purposes only. Never invest purely based on our alerts. This publication and their owners and affiliates may hold positions in the securities mentioned in our alerts, which we may sell at any time without notice to our subscribers. We have been hired to conduct AUDIENCE DEVELOPMENT advertising and marketing and publicly disseminate information about (NMTC) via Website, Email. We may be compensated for audience development, and will be reimbursed cash to cover advertising operating expenses. This compensation is a major conflict of interest in our ability to be unbiased. Therefore, this communication should be viewed as a commercial advertisement only. We have not investigated the background of the hiring third party or parties. Any non-compensated alerts are purely for the purpose of expanding our database for the benefit of our future financially compensated AUDIENCE DEVELOPMENT efforts. Frequently companies profiled in our alerts may experience a large increase in volume and share price during the course of AUDIENCE DEVELOPMENT marketing, which may end as soon as marketing ceases. Our emails may contain forward-looking statements, which are not guaranteed to materialize due to a variety of factors.